Your product listing is your storefront. Like a window display attracting your sales person especially for your online operations, shoppers will attract on your listing title and image. In Quickmas you can customize your product list with/without variant, tag in product group, category, supplier and more:
Customize your Product List
- Create product with different variants.
- Tag product in product group, categories, brand and supplier.
- Set minimum product quantity for inventory alert.
- Set vertual product quantity for online order or other pre-order.
- Add eCommerce features for getting online orders.
- Include short descriptions lines for product where shoppers will quick knollege about your product.
- Insert search keyword in meta tag field for every product. Byer will find the product when search on a browser.
- Create fixed asset and stationary item with images and other info.
- Barcode automatically ready for printing when create product.